
Privacy policy and cookie policy

Privacy policy and cookie policy

Privacy statement

This site complies with the obligations resulting from the national legislation (Legislative Decree 30 June 2003 No. 196, Code for the protection of personal data) and Community, (European Regulation for the protection of personal data No. 679/2016, GDPR) and subsequent amendments to the law.

The owner of the site complies with the recommendations of the Privacy Guarantor on the adaptation of the GDPR places great importance on the privacy of visitors and users in order not to infringe the rights of visitors/users who surf this site.

The intent of this privacy statement is to provide transparency and comprehensible information pertaining to the information collected on the site and its use.

This information applies only to the online features of the site and is valid for visitors/users of the site.

The information does not apply to all information collected outside the web channel where this website is present.

Legal basis of the processing

Since the entry into force of the GDPR (25 May 2018), the EUROSIREL site will collect and process some data on the basis of the interests of the data controller.

The current site treats the data acquired on the basis of the optional consent expressed by visitors/users: the approval of the consent is only in the manner and purposes described in the next paragraph.

The visitor/navigator can deny consent to the provision and collection of data and may revoke at any time a consent already previously provided through the form Contact us on this site.

The refusal of consent, through the special rejection button on the banner of cookies, or through a revocation of consent by email could result in the prohibition of access to certain services and compromise the browsing experience of this site.

Data collected and purposes

Data acquired from the system and security logs

This site, during user visits, automatically acquires information through system log and security log.

The information collected could be the following:

  • time and date of the visit;
  • IP address and name of the provider of origin;
  • recordings of errors and problems.

All these data, collected in aggregate form, are used only to support diagnostics for security purposes. Example: in the event of an attack, the logs are monitored to block unauthorized access and to prevent malicious activities.

Access to this data is only at the server administration level and are never used for the identification or profiling of the user / visitor but only acquired for the protection and security of the site. They could be used only in case of crime, and only upon request of the judicial authority in the cases provided for by the Law.

The LOG data collected by the site are processed at the headquarters of the Data Controller, and at the Hosting web datacenter.

Web hosting is responsible for data processing and processes data only upon explicit request of the holder and acts in accordance with European regulations.

The data used for security purposes are stored for 90 days.


The site uses cookies, small files that are stored on the computer of the browser and that allow you to acquire / store information on the preferences of visits used in order to:

- improve the functionality of this site;

- simplify navigation through automated procedures (eg Login, site language setting);

- analyze the use of the site to improve its usability and user experience.

Session cookies are necessary to differentiate connected users and prevent the functionality requested by a visitor from being used by another visitor, and are necessary for security purposes to try to neutralize cyber attacks on the site.

Session cookies used on this site do not acquire personal data and their duration is linked to the course navigation session. Closing the browser deletes session cookies. For these there is no need for consent.

The functionality cookies used by this site are essential for the use of the site and are associated with features specifically requested by the visitor (for example, login in a reserved area, or the acceptance of the cookie warning banner). For these there is no consense.

Disabling cookies

The refusal of acceptance of the initial banner involves blocking the installation of cookies.

However, cookies are strictly linked to the browser used for navigation and the management of these, such as the revocation of cookies previously accepted, can be done through the browser.

You can read all the explanations to disable cookies at the following links:

Mozilla Firefox - Microsoft Internet Explorer - Microsoft Edge - Google Chrome - Opera - Apple Safari

Third-party cookies

This site plays the role of intermediary for third-party cookies and has no control over these cookies. These cookies are used for:

- acquire statistical information on use of the site (Google Analytics)

- add some features external to the site (Google Maps, Youtube)

- let visitors interact with social networks (Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin sharing buttons)


In particular, the data of Google Analytics are acquired through a code entered on the site where the anonymization of IP addresses is preset.

This anonymous data (eg number of visits, a list of the most visited pages, mean residence time) and collected in aggregate form through an administration panel are used by Site analysts, at the express of the owner request, in order to study new features of the site and improve navigability and user experience.

Data is transmitted and stored on Google servers in the United States and is stored for a period of 26 months.

Google Analytics Cookie Usage on Websites.


The information on the use, purposes and suspension of these cookies are provided directly by third parties and can be viewed at the following links:

- Facebook - (cookie information link)

- Twitter - (cookie information link)

- LinkedIn - (cookie information link)

- Google+ - (cookie information link).

In the event that the user / browser is still logged into the social network while browsing this site, he / she transmits the acceptance of the use of social network cookies.

Transfer of data to non-EU countries

Based on Google, Facebook and Microsoft's adherence to the Privacy Shield (specifically Decision 1250/2016), and through the Google Analytics service and social plugins, this site may share some of the data collected outside of the area of ​​the European Union.

The transfer is authorized on the basis of specific decisions of the European Union and the Guarantor for the protection of personal data.

Security measures

The processing of data acquired by surfers through this site is managed in a legal manner, taking all appropriate measures to:

  • increase security
  • prevent unauthorized access
  • prevent unauthorized disclosure of data

The treatment is implemented through IT devices, with logics and organizational methods closely related to the purposes described above. In addition to the owner, as in the case of Google Analytics, data access is delegated to technical consultants involved in the project of the site.

The subjects involved, always appointed by the data owner, can also be external and are intended as suppliers of third party technical services, hosting providers, IT companies, web marketing agencies.

User rights

Pursuant to European Regulation 679/2016 (GDPR), and according to the methods and within the limits established by current legislation, the navigator / user can exercise the following rights:

  • Right of withdrawal, or updating / correction / integration and deletion of data;
  • request confirmation of the existence of personal data;
  • request the origin of their data in an intelligible manner;
  • to have information about the methods and purposes of data processing;
  • request anonymization of data
  • file a complaint to the Privacy Guarantor as a Supervisory Authority;
  • Requests should be sent to the Data Controller via the form contact us.

Data controller

Under the laws in force the data controller is:


and is reachable via the Contact section of this site.


Update of the privacy policy and Cookie policy

This document is updated to 13 June 2018



+39 02 3355950
Copyright ©2025 Eurosirel s.p.a. P.I. 09996820156 - Design & Development by Sogesi

